Monday, May 15, 2006

John 21:1-14

The disciples catch nothing until they depend on Jesus and follow him.


Help me to depend on you. Let me learn to lay aside my learning, my to do list, my sermon prep tools and cry for help. Cause me to believe that it is you who changed lives, and that you do it through prayer. Change this church into a community of praying saints. Begin with me.

Thank you for Andy and his willingness to set up the computers. Thank you for Lee and the wisdom he has for me. Let me know what to accept and what to reject. Continue to give him godly advice that I may head. Cause me to mortify the flesh. Cause me to love my wife. Give me the energy to cherish her and minister to her.

Thank you for your word. May I cherish it and learn from it and be transformed by it. May I preach only that which impacts me, for if it does not impact me, how can I expect to impact others. Your word is precious and powerful. May I learn to yield it well.

Your Beloved Son


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